If you’ve landed here,

If you’re reading this, you probably understand how presence is a key leadership characteristic – mastery of executive presence can become your “wow factor.” – Susan Sadler

Could this be you?

Are you a clear and confident communicator? Would you like more consistent results in influence and inspiring others? If you’d like to have better command of the room, the Presence Accelerator Self Study program helps you increase your confidence, remove barriers and get more creative and courageous throughout the process.

You can do more than you think!

At some point in one’s career, almost everyone can feel stuck. But you can break through a plateau. Imagine if you could connect more easily, feel lighter and more at ease with senior stakeholders. You just need the right resources, tools and activities.

It’s time to get a methodology that works for you, with micro transformations throughout the program, putting it all together to a more confident you.  

My mission is for you to enter every room with confidence. If not now, when? 

Enter Presence Accelerator Self Study

This is not just another coaching program. It’s a 100% self paced program specifically focused on the elements of executive presence, to move leaders forward to exhibit more gravitas, better performance, better business results and to take their career to the next level. Presence Accelerator Self Study is a transformational process, not a band aid. A program designed as an end-to-end solution for leaders to be more visible, impactful, and memorable.

This is a perfect option for those who prefer to go at their own pace, and who may not be ready for the rigor of
The Presence Accelerator Bootcamp.

So What’s Getting in Your Way?

“I’m not sure if this program will really work for me?”

The average completion time is 3 months. But you have complete freedom of choice if you’d like to do one module, take a break then move on to the next, depending on what you have going on. If you’re willing to invest the time and do the work, you’ll learn more about yourself, experience a wide variety of activities in each lesson and see what you can leverage and what you can let go. Building on the micro lessons in each module you’ll create an upward spiral of confidence and accomplishment. So yes, this program works!

“I don’t have the time…”

The beauty of the self-study option is that you fit it into your schedule at your own pace. Does having more ease, flow and confidence worth the investment of your time? The demands on your time are unlikely to diminish. That’s why I created a self-study option. You need a program with the highest ROI of your time and effort.

“Sounds great, but I’m really busy. I don’t have the energy….”

Feeling stressed out or overwhelmed is draining, both physically and mentally. The Presence Accelerator Self Study program could be just what you need to re-gain control and perspective about your vision of what you want to accomplish and who you want to be. The investment in yourself to learn more about your strengths, values, communication style, your EQ and more – is the first step to outline your future career success – whatever that looks like to you. Imagine feeling inspired, energized and clear about your priorities that will truly make a difference in your future goals and success.

How do I uncover barriers to elevate my presence and confidence? 

Enroll in Presence Accelerator Self Study!

Once you join, you’ll be immediately relieved knowing that you’re on the right track to gain more awareness, remove blocks or barriers and have a plan to leverage everything you learn in the program into action. All at your own pace. And you should feel excited!

As you move through the course, you’re on your way to feel heard, increase your influence,
have difficult conversations – to name a few – with grace and ease.

A research study reported that …”57% of organizations that hire coaches, and nearly 40% of coaches identify
presence as “one of two top purposes for their coaching.”  (Baldoni, 2015; Asmus, 2013)

Presence Accelerator is a distillation of the key topics and success factors that I’ve worked with for over 15 years with coaching clients.
It’s a complete solution to feel energized, empowered and to enter every room with confidence.

How is Presence Accelerator Self Study Different from Other Coaching Programs?

This is not an ‘off the shelf’ program. It’s a methodology based on tens of thousands of hours of real-life experience
with organizations and clients, working on their challenges and opportunities.

You get 30 years of my experience in advertising and public relations, corporate training and coaching. You don’t need to be an extrovert or have charisma to elevate your presence and increase your confidence. You just need access to the most useful and effective resources, tools and mentoring by a successful and committed coach. I’ll always be here for you.
I’m passionate about helping you achieve your goals and transformation.

Presence Accelerator Self Study is divided into 3 phases:

Phase 1 – Removing Barriers

This is all about you. Gaining self-awareness about what’s working well and what could go even better. We’ll work on your strengths, values, and motivators. You’ll set clear goals about what you want from this program. And you’ll learn about your own emotional intelligence and how to leverage key components to make your life easier.

Phase 2 – Build Confidence

You’ll learn more about your own communication style and how to read others more quickly. You’ll have a chance to try some things on, and then assess what went well, what you’d do differently. You’ll also learn about stakeholder strategies to give you a higher success rate in influence and persuasion.

Phase 3 – Accelerate Success

In this phase you will study the success factors in some of the more challenging aspects of working with senior leaders and teams, whether that’s being more assertive, or dialing down a style that may be perceived as too abrupt or even harsh. Finally, we put it all together to continue your progress long after the course ends.

How does
Presence Accelerator Self Study work?

This is a digital, self paced program, with 9 modules. It’s about making consistent progress without feeling overwhelmed. And while you’re welcome to move at your own pace, best practice is to complete the course in 3 months, in order to achieve the transformation you deserve.

The program includes:

  1. A 30 minute one on one onboarding/welcome call to introduce you to the program. I’ll walk you through how to best use the program to achieve your goals. And feel free to ask questions, this is your time!
  2. Audio lessons, workbooks, activities and exercises
  3. Three psychometric/profilers so you can get the important insights into action
  4. Access to ALL lessons, worksheets, materials, resources, and recordings for one year!

Bottom line – as you work through the modules, you’ll be successful much faster and with less stress.

You’ll work through the micro lessons in each module at your own pace. There are audio lessons, workbooks and activities.
Plus, you’ll get a bonus module on Stress Reduction and Mindfulness.

But is Presence Accelerator Bootcamp Self Study the right program for me?

That’s a great question! As you’d imagine, Presence Accelerator Self Study is significantly less expensive than Presence Accelerator Bootcamp.

***PLEASE NOTE*** : While the content is EXACTLY the same – lessons, activities and three psychometric profilers –
in full transparency, in Self Study you will NOT have access to:

  • Twice a month small group coaching/mentoring you through the lessons, for 3 months

  • Community of other participants

  • Three 30 minute 1:1 calls to debrief the psychometric profilers, and to help identify your insights and action steps

  • Access to an accountability partner

  • A private Face book group with interaction and 24 hour response rate to your questions

All of the above is included in Presence Accelerator Bootcamp only

You will find the Presence Accelerator Self Study course energizing and inspiring – tapping into both logical, evidence based activities as well as creative and imaginative exercises to mix up your learning (and retention). The more you learn about yourself, the more effective you can be with others. Most importantly, you’ll learn how to get your insights into action.

Bottom line – you can rest assured that as you work through the modules, you feel successful much faster and with less stress.
Each module has micro lessons that you can complete at your own pace, experiencing growth and progress along the way.

You’ve waited long enough. Get energized and motivated to take center stage, whether that’s at meeting for two, or a conference for 200.

Don’t wait another day to feel more confident, and skilled at handling daily challenges and opportunities.
Feel lighter today just by enrolling in Presence Accelerator Self Study.

Presence Accelerator Self Study Disclaimer

Presence Accelerator Self Study Disclaimer

This is a robust and detailed course. The expectation is that you will complete the course material within a 12-month period in order to further your skills and knowledge to position yourself as a leader with presence and confidence. There’s a ‘readiness’ factor needed on your part. You must be ready to take action. If you’re hesitating, please don’t buy. This is 20+ years of experience carefully curated into a program. Once you’ve made your purchase, you will have access to all of the modules, lessons, workbooks, videos and resources. If for any reason you are not totally satisfied, you may request a full refund within 7 days of purchase.